
Extending the longevity and health of your HVAC system.

You’ve invested in your new HVAC system, whether it’s a packaged unit, split system, or ductless system. Now what? Regular maintenance is crucial to extending the life of your system while keeping it performing in optimal condition all year, and for many years to come. Protect your investment with one of our affordable Preventative Maintenance plans!

First thing’s first—

Replace your air filters every 30-60 days. You might be thinking, “Why? I keep my house clean and I don’t have any pets.”. These factors do reduce the airborne particles, but it doesn’t eliminate them. Animal dander, smoking, cooking, environmental factors such as pollen, dust, and even burning candles regularly can contribute to a filter getting dirtier and dirtier as time goes on. That’s what the filter is there for- reducing allergens and airborne pollutants throughout your home so that you and your family can keep breathing healthy air. So if you don’t notice any allergens or odors- your filter is doing it’s job. For those that have permanent filters that require cleaning, same rules apply. Rinse or clean them every 30-60 days.

Changing filters doesn’t require a professional! You can purchase filters through a convenient subscription service (we’ll be happy to give you more information on that, and sign you up!) or you can find them at most home improvement stores.

What will happen though if you don’t replace or clean them regularly? A dirty filter at first may aggravate allergy sufferers. You may find yourself sneezing more and you may notice some funky smells around the house due to the filter being inhibited from filtering out the odor culprits, just to start off with.

Within a matter of months of not changing a dirty filter, it can rack up some costly damage. The inhibited air flow will cause your HVAC system to work much harder than it should, which puts a lot of stress on the system and affects it’s performance. The coil will become so filthy that it gets clogged up with pollutants, which requires a professional to repair and prevent further damage. Those pollutants that clog up the air filters and coil are what you and your family are breathing in! This can also cause you to notice your air isn’t as cold as it once was, even set at the same temperature. This isn’t just inconvenient, but weakens your system’s longevity and performance.

Is your air not as cool as it once was? Check your filter. If you’re still noticing weakened air flow or temperature, call us to send out a professional to properly diagnose your system.

Semi-annual Preventative Maintenance

We’ll leave the filters to you, but leave the rest to us. Semi-annual preventative maintenance is exactly what it sounds like— our professional, well-trained technicians come out to your home or business once or twice a year (depending on your chosen plan) to service your HVAC system to prevent any costly issues and ensure optimal performance and endurance. We recommend this maintenance to be performed in the Spring before the heat comes in, and in the Fall before the cold rolls in.

Click below to request more information on pricing and details regarding our Preventative Maintenance Plans!



